If Hobby Lobby objects to contraception as a routine part of health insurance because they say it may violate their religious objection to abortion, why does the store stock items imported from China? If the no-contraception policy were actually a deal-breaker because of religious principles, shouldn't the company find suppliers from countries that don't force women to undergo involuntary abortions?
I understand that finding products not manufactured in China probably would result in higher-priced craft supplies, but either Hobby Lobby's anti-abortion principles apply globally and the company refuses to buy products from a country that has an official policy of a single child per family (or else), or the company's commitment to those principles is situational.
Do the people who own Hobby Lobby only object to American abortions?
I couldn't agree with you more Valerie! And considering that Hobby Lobby's own insurance actually did cover birth control before ACA, I hear their 'rage' as nothing more than a toddleresque tantrum. They just want to scream about something, and the "what" doesn't even matter. Either their ideals matter to them all the time or they NEVER matter. They simply cannot have it both ways.
Posted by: Laine | 27 March 2014 at 03:16 AM